Pax Meier’s Board Game Catalogue


All the prototypes listed here are available for publishing. If one strikes your fancy, let me know!

  • Boast is a very light party game for 3-8 players loaning mechanics from classics like Uno.
    However, where many trick-taking games are simply numbers with various cards and colors, Boast has a natural and satisfying mechanic at the center of it that sees players make various silly boasts of their accomplishments as various vikings.
    It achieves hilarious storytelling between players, and with very few mechanics.

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  • Beasty Pageant is a microcosm of the engine builder genre, but high paced and suitable for all ages. It works with anywhere from 2-6 players, and has players playing mad scientists in pursuit of the perfect Beast.

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  • Cabal is a card and dice game for 2-5 players about recruiting important people and starting nefarious projects as a secret society.
    It has you moving through the ages as an illuminati-style organization, trying to vie for world domination when the game moves into the modern era.

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  • A 4-5-player negotiation and resource management game that often takes just under 3 hours.
    Each player controls one of 4 different power facotrs in the same empire, and have to work together to manage economy and expansion.
    Heavy, and asks a fair bit from the players in terms of analysis of communication. Won the Innovation Prize at Fastaval 2022.

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  • Crisis is a game for exactly 3 players that plays with a design space that’s almost educational. It has players playing as politicians, activists and industrialists each with their own goals, and each with the shared goal of saving the world from the climate crisis before everyone dies.
    It has negotiation elements as a central mechanic, and involves drawing cubes from a bag.

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  • Borrowing from the Star Realms genre of deckbuilder, flu fight is a head to head fight between humanity and a deadly virus.
    The game sees humanity and the virus race to either end the human race or build up enough immunity that the virus peters out. A deep deckbuilder where the choices you make both determine your own tools and which ones the other player doesn’t have access to.

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  • Interplanetary is a 2-5 player game that thematically borrows from Twilight Imperiums, while trying to keep the actions in the game tight and quick

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  • Mythos is a game for 2-6 players about adventuring out into the world and mapping it with all sorts of fantastical landmarks. It combines map drawing, deckbuilding and tableu building in a wholly novel way, and has immense strategic depth, while also being relatively easy to play.

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  • Ragnarök is a TCG game for 2+ players for a match, with decks built up of cards with various Runes, denoting their allegiance to certain elements of Norse myth. The deckbuilding is rich, even with the first set having only 215 cards.
    The gameplay is fast, using player’s life counter as a measure of how many resources they have available. These mechanics often breed edge-of-your-seat comeback stories, or near misses of the same sort.

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  • Revolucíon! is a hidden orders army management game pitting a group of vaguely Caribbean rebels against the oppressive state. Players outfit their armies with equipment from the black market, and drive a guerilla war in the jungles of the island of San Luca. The rebels win simply by taking the central city, leading to an almost star-wars-esque moment of threading the needle against impossible odds.

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  • A deckbuilding game with a myriad of win conditions. Will you outwit your opponents and learn their true names? Will you take over the mystical library you’re all fighting over? Or will you simply ascend beyond all mortal powers?

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  • WiM is a high concept game for 2-7 players based on a deck of modified tarot cards. Players play these as if giving a reading, and then play these cards by turn to get on top in the tower of life. Effects are wacky and unpredictable, and rounds are very quick.

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